
Moxy Persona: Eloise Répétiez

As a return user, I want:

  • to check in more efficiently.
  • to discover my breakfast options.
  • to be informed of & explore locale destinations.
"Experience is the journey."

Who is Eloise?

Eloise is in her mid-twenties and is a consultant. Her firm sends her out on extended projects, so she often stays at a hotel anywhere from a month to six months, while occasionally doing other travel during the week.

Features Needed

Since she stays at the same hotel for long stretches of time she wants the room in the hotel to be consistent. Should she checkout to leave for a weekend, she wants to come back to the same kind of room. Though she doesn’t use the desk much, she’s particular about the bed set-up. Being able to have the same double-bed setup is a must.

Consistent service is also a must.

Behaviors and Habits

She has breakfast in the morning. She prefers to take advantage of breakfast in the hotel restaurant, where she might catch up on email or read the paper. After getting back from work, she might workout in the fitness center, go out with colleagues, go to a restaurant or concert, or otherwise explore the area. She also likes to grab an evening snack before going back to her room for the night.


Eloise wants a home away from home, a comfortable place where she can sleep, eat, and workout. When she has time, she likes to go out to a bar or restaurant and will do some sightseeing.